Robot Clipart ©MyClipArtStore: Robot games and downloads for climbing lessons aimed at 2-12 year olds. Towards the bottom of the post are printable "cruxbots", take home pages describing what kids learned, and a kids climbing poster about pinches. More Robot Resources Free Robot Mandala coloring page Robot Guided Imagery Relaxation Omazing Kids Robot Yoga Ideas PBJ's Robot Pinterest Board PBJ's Robot Jelly Announcement Post Crux Bots The crux is the most difficult move or sequence on any climb. To help kids identify and label the crux, I have each child climb a problem (follow the colored holds or tape) and tell me when they get to the tricky spot. I put duct tape on the back of a laminated cruxbot and tape it to the trouble spot. The climber comes down to look at the holds around the crux and make a plan to send (complete from start to finish) the problem. I used these Sillybot robots, but you can really use any clipart or cutout. I've done Space rockets (blast through the crux), and Jungle crux monkeys using monkey cutouts from the dollar store and using marker to write "crux". I've also thought about using Super Hero bursts. Kids can use their super strength to power through the crux and their X-Ray vision to step back and find the best sequence. Cruxy Robots Climbing Lesson Ideas Vocab Words: Crux, preview, match Skills: Route reading, perseverance, critical thinking Wall Angle: Vertical Hold Type: Pinch Breath: Countdown to Calm (Power down breath) Theme: Robots Equipment: Laminated robots, Cruxbots, Eeboo Tell Me a Story Cards (Little Robot’s Mission), Learning Resources gears and base. Power Pads-
Robot stretching-
A big thank you to the families who have stuck with me through all of the ups and downs. I know that we will find the perfect location for our PBJ minis to learn life and safety skills...eventually. You never know what's around the river bend :). For now, we'll keep plugging away MacGyver Style. Full Swim Program PostponedSwim lessons will not be held at the Picollo school this fall as planned. Although this is insanely disappointing, it is also a great opportunity to update training materials and administrative procedures. When we find another warm location for swim lessons we'll be more prepared so that classes run smoothly and customer communication is improved! There is no current timeline for the swim program, but the mailing list will receive updates. A limited number of ongoing swim lessons will be available on Friday's in Incline Village until a warmer pool is found. We've been working on new adaptive programs and packages in anticipation of the Reno pool. These will go into effect now to make the transition faster when a pool is found. You'll find updated information throughout the website and links below. Fall 2016 Updates:
Scroll down for yoga and climbing versions of this game with printable pictures and game cards. It doesn't work so well in the water because they lose their stickiness when wet.
Splat! Game [Making]
I waited to post this, because a lot of the splat balls popped, and I didn't have a plan to re-use them yet. I ended up filling some with rice and some with a balloon of flour. It basically adds a sticky layer. The splat balls are super satisfying at first, but it's short-lived. Thesticky eyeballs and flinging bugs work just as well and last longer.
I use this game to let kids choose the order of activities, similar to a dice or spinner. I put up an assortment of written or visual tasks. Kids throw the splat balls and do the task that is *closest* to their toss. Sometimes I remove each task after it's been hit, other times I leave them up and allow repeat hits.
For climbing we just taped the pictures directly to the wall. For yoga, I covered a piece of foam board with contact paper and scattered adhesive velcro dots all around. The balls really stick to paper and paint, so the contact paper is a must!
I created 3 versions of this game, but it can really be applied to anything. I've included downloads of the activity cards I made for Space Balls, Monkey Balls, and Food Fight.
Everything is either printed and laminated, or purchased from the dollar store teaching section. The planets are Dollar Tree wall decals. Splat! [Yoga]
We were practicing dynamic and static movement, so we held sloth poses for 3 breaths and got our heart rate up with monkey poses.
I purchased yoga sloth illustrations on etsy, but the seller is no longer active. Sad day. You can still download the inversions and dynamic stretches of Monkey Bob (stuffed monkey with wired limbs).
Swimming & Yoga dominoes coming...eventually.
I made these ages ago and finally got around to posting them! I've always used character dominoes for swimming & climbing, but by making my own we can incorporate some vocabulary.
The nice thing about any domino play is that kids have a motivator to climb towards, and then are encouraged to rest while matching the pieces on the floor. It turns into a focused break between climbs. Atomik has a great selection of kids climbing holds, and I have used Atomik pictures in the hold type dominoes. The free printable PDF's are at the bottom of this page. More counting songs for: Climbing Classes Counting songs are fabulous because kids can see the end. This helps when they are practicing a skill that they equate to a root canal. I use these ones in toddler & preschool classes with kids in the 1-4 year old range. 5 in the Bed (and the little one said)
More counting songs for: Swimming Classes
I'm avoiding the work that actually needs to be done, so I thought I'd write a post on monkeys instead :). I'm only including one song right now because I just stole the idea, but I'll add more in the future. Swimming songs are coming soon...
5 Little Monkeys (jumping on the bed-not being eaten by alligators)
Tips for Families at the Pool
I've had a lot of parents ask what swimmers should work on over vacation. The most effective "homework" is to play! Just playing freely in the water is a great way to experiment with buoyancy and different body movements. The kids are on vacation too, so don't worry about forcing difficult skills they've been working on in class. Let their instructors be the bad guys while you take on the role of the fun grandparents :). I didn't have any beach pictures of my students, so this one if filled with family vacation pictures from my childhood.
Here are some fun games you can play with school aged kids at the pool:
Here are some of the ways we use Bob in the pool. You can check out the Making Bob post for tips on creating your gobbling monster.
Progress Tracking- Pool
I set aside 5-10 pieces of food in a bowl for Bob. We feed him one piece after each turn (2 if I see a lot of focus and effort in the turn) and then when his bowl is empty it's time for a game.
Fine Motor in the Pool- Youngins
Sometimes Bob is hungry enough to eat a bus. I'll lay out small transportation manipulatives and matchbox cars next to Bob at the edge of the pool. These sink so I don't bother throwing them. 1 swimming turn = feed Bob 1 car. I set out a variety of "picker uppers" so that we can pretend we are cranes lifting the cars or they are covered in radioactive goop and we can't touch them. I happen to have quite a few truck obsessed swimmers right now, but you can use any small objects.
Fine Motor in the Pool- Too Big for Their Britches
For older kids who can easily swim to the bottom we take it up a notch by using tongs or chopsticks. We spread out a bunch of small toys on the bottom of the pool and kids need to dive down and bring them up to Bob without using their fingers. I tried it myself with chopsticks and it's pretty hard! This can be used as a fun reward or to encourage lengthening breath control without bringing attention to it. If some kids know that you want them to stay under for longer they will push their limits and hold their breath for too long. This is why you won't see "underwater contests" in swim lessons anymore. |
AuthorsRebecca & Sarah have been working with children for over a decade. You can find a compilation of ideas for the classroom, home, and athletic fields here. Archives
April 2017